Knowledge sharing behavior in young working college students: a perspective during covid-19


  • Andrea Balle Centro Universitário - UniFBV Wyden, Pernambuco, (Brasil)
  • Valéria Soares de Oliveira Centro Universitário - UniFBV Wyden, Pernambuco, (Brasil).
  • Mírian Oliveira Centro Universitário - UniFBV Wyden, Pernambuco, (Brasil).



Knowledge sharing, Young working college students, Work from home, Mechanisms for knowledge sharing, COVID-19


Purpose: to analise knowledge sharing behavior of young working college students at work-from-home in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Theoretical framework: the theoretical framework considers knowledge sharing and its different mechanisms, influence of equipment, work regime, and different college fields of study.

Design/methodology/approach: a survey was carried out with 295 young working college students. Data were analyzed by comparing means.

Originality/value: young working college students deal with knowledge in their studies and in organizations. The pandemic brought changes to work, such as the work-from-home configuration, which could have implications for knowledge sharing.

Findings: there are differences in knowledge collection between groups of people who and study the same field and the ones who work and study different fields. Also, between those who use computers, compared to those who only use cell phones for collection.

Theoretical Contributions: the result demonstrates how academic background influences organizational knowledge sharing. It also shows the importance of having the right equipment for knowledge sharing to happen effectively.

Practical Implications: managers can identify an opportunity to offer more spaces for collecting for those studying the job area and also encourage the knowledge donation. In addition, the need for adequate computers for the effective collection of knowledge in the work-from-home is evident.

Keywords: Knowledge sharing. Young working college students. Work from home. Mechanisms for knowledge sharing. COVID-19.


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Author Biographies

Andrea Balle, Centro Universitário - UniFBV Wyden, Pernambuco, (Brasil)

Doutora em Administração pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS, Rio Grande do Sul, (Brasil). Professora Titular do Mestrado Profissional em Gestão Empresarial no Centro Universitário - UniFBV Wyden, Pernambuco, (Brasil).

Valéria Soares de Oliveira, Centro Universitário - UniFBV Wyden, Pernambuco, (Brasil).

Mestra em Gestão Empresarial pelo Centro Universitário - UniFBV Wyden, Pernambuco, (Brasil).

Mírian Oliveira, Centro Universitário - UniFBV Wyden, Pernambuco, (Brasil).

Doutora em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - PUC, Rio Grande do Sul, (Brasil). Pós-doutorado no Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão da Universdade Técnica de Lisboa - ISEG, (Portugal). 


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How to Cite

Balle, A., Soares de Oliveira, V. ., & Oliveira, M. (2022). Knowledge sharing behavior in young working college students: a perspective during covid-19. Future Studies Research Journal: Trends and Strategies, 14(1), e0651.



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